Chat Widget Visibility

NeetoChat's Visibility feature lets you control when the chat widget appears based on conditions like team availability, visitor location, specific pages, time of day, and how long a visitor has been on a page. This ensures visitors get timely support exactly when they need it, improving their experience and your team's efficiency.

Chat Widget Visibility

How can I make the chat widget appear only during business hours?

You can set the chat widget to appear only during your business hours by configuring the "Hour of the Day" and "Day of the Week" settings in the Visibility feature. This way, the widget will show up only when your support team is available to respond.

Can I target specific visitors based on their location?

Yes, you can use the "Visitor Country/Location" setting to show or hide the chat widget based on the visitor's geographical location. This allows you to provide localized support and engage with visitors from specific regions more effectively.

How do I make the chat widget appear only on certain pages of my website?

You can control the chat widget's visibility by using the "URL" and "Title of the Current Page" settings. This lets you show the widget on specific pages, such as product pages or checkout pages, ensuring visitors get support where they need it most.

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