NeetoChat Features

Live Chat

Interact with your customers real time to provide support.

Customize Chat Widget

Customize the style of your chat widget to match your brand.

Pre Chat

Ask relevant questions to your customers so that the agents have the necessary information.

Post Chat Questions

Ask for feedback about the service and other questions at the end of the chat.

Chat History

Access previous conversations for providing consistent and informed support.

Canned Responses

Save time and send predefined replies for common questions with just one click.

Rich Messages

Make your conversation engaging by adding GIFs, emojis or by recording audio.


Tags ticket to apply automation rule, to filter and to better manage tickets.

Private Notes

Add notes about customer for future references to serve the customer better.

Agent Availability Status

Helping customers know when to expect support.

Automation Rules

Execute predefined actions to reduce workload and improve response times.

Ticket Creation

Convert chat interactions into tickets for tracking and resolution.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Quickly execute commands by using keyboard shortcuts for faster response.

Knowledge Base Articles

Write relevant help articles in Knowledge Base to cut down incoming chats.

Chat Widget Visibilty

Control visibility of chat widget based on team availability, visitor location, page, time, and visit duration for timely support.

Set Business Hours

Inform customers of your support team's availability for response times and improving satisfaction.

Outbound Notification

Ensures your visitors are informed of replies via email, even if they leave the site.

Integrate NeetoChat with various third-party tools.

See All Integrations

NeetoChat Mobile App

Manage your chats on the go and never miss a chance to provide great support with NeetoChat mobile app for iOS and Android.

App Store
Google Play


Neeto is building 20+ products simultaneously. Some of these products have built-in marketing, so for these products, our pricing is quite generous. Since Neeto offers many products, we use some of our products as a gateway to other Neeto products.

Pricing Philosophy

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