
NeetoCal integrates with Google Calendar and Outlook to manage availabilities and avoid double bookings. It supports secure payments via Stripe and Razorpay, and offers video links for Zoom, Google Meet,, Microsoft Teams, and Whereby. NeetoCal also connects with Slack for notifications, Zapier for automation, Google Analytics for insights, and Twilio for communication.


Calendar Integrations

Google Calendar Integration

NeetoCal connects with your Google Calendar to help you manage your schedule by automatically updating your availabilities and preventing double bookings. This integration ensures you can efficiently organize your time and avoid scheduling conflicts. Additionally, you can link multiple Google Calendar accounts, allowing you to keep track of different commitments and appointments.

Outlook Integration

By syncing your Outlook calendar with NeetoCal, you can easily manage your availabilities and prevent double bookings. This integration ensures that your meetings and events are well-coordinated across multiple Outlook accounts, giving you a clear and consolidated view of your schedule. It streamlines your planning process and minimizes scheduling errors.

Payment Integrations

Stripe Standard Payment Integration

NeetoCal's integration with Stripe allows you to securely collect payments before a meeting can be scheduled. This feature ensures that all payments are handled smoothly and upfront, reducing the risk of no-shows and ensuring that both parties are committed to the scheduled meeting.

Stripe Split Payment Integration

With Stripe split payment integration, NeetoCal allows you to automatically divide payments between your organization and the service providers. This eliminates the need for manual invoicing and ensures that everyone gets paid promptly and accurately, making financial management much more efficient.

Razorpay Integration

With Razorpay integrated into NeetoCal, you can easily collect payments when scheduling a meeting. This integration streamlines the payment process, making it straightforward for clients to pay, and ensures that all transactions are secure and recorded, providing peace of mind for both you and your clients.

Video Integrations

Zoom Integration

Including Zoom video links in your NeetoCal meeting invitations makes it simple to set up virtual meetings. This integration automatically generates Zoom links and adds them to your calendar invites, ensuring that participants can join the meeting with just a click, making remote collaboration effortless.

Google Meet Integration

NeetoCal's integration with Google Meet allows you to add Google Meet links to your meeting invitations. This feature ensures that all participants have easy access to the virtual meeting room, simplifying the process of joining and hosting online meetings. Integration integration with NeetoCal enables you to include video call links in your meeting schedules. This integration ensures that setting up and joining virtual meetings is hassle-free, enhancing your ability to connect with clients and colleagues remotely.

Microsoft Teams Integration

By integrating Microsoft Teams with NeetoCal, you can add Teams video links to your meeting invitations. This feature ensures that all participants can easily access the virtual meeting, facilitating smooth and efficient online collaboration.

Whereby Integration

NeetoCal's integration with Whereby allows you to include Whereby video links in your meeting bookings. This integration makes it easy to set up and join virtual meetings, providing a user-friendly experience for all participants.

Other Integrations

Slack Integration

Integrating NeetoCal with Slack enables you to receive real-time notifications directly in your Slack channels. This feature keeps you updated on your meeting schedules and changes, ensuring that you stay informed and can respond promptly to any updates or reminders.

Zapier Integration

Zapier integration with NeetoCal allows you to automate various tasks without any coding. This integration helps streamline your workflow by connecting NeetoCal with numerous other apps and services, enabling you to automate repetitive tasks and improve overall efficiency.

Google Analytics Integration

By integrating Google Analytics with NeetoCal, you can gain valuable insights into your scheduling data. This integration helps you understand patterns, track metrics, and make informed decisions to improve your productivity and optimize your scheduling processes.

Twilio Integration

NeetoCal's integration with Twilio allows you to manage communications and notifications directly from your NeetoCal account. This feature ensures that you can easily send reminders and updates via SMS or other channels, enhancing your communication with clients and colleagues.

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